
Post Concert Suppers


As regular visitors to DMA concerts will be aware, a post concert light supper is served in the dining room in Tullynally. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet the performers who usually stay for supper and to relax with fellow audience members and enjoy the marvellous atmosphere of Tullynally.

The delicious food is provided by Verity Butterfield of Lough Bawn House a beautiful Georgian Classic family home in Co. Westmeath, providing luxury bed and breakfast in an area of Ireland renowned for its many loughs.
Supper tickets are limited and must be booked in advance with concert tickets.



The DMA Memory Book

In 2021, the DMA published a Memory Book, listing all concerts and music played since the first concert in 1987. The book has wonderful sketches from concerts at Tullynally drawn by the late Jeremy Williams. There are also several delightful short 'memories' from performers and audience members. Books are €10 each plus P&P at €3 per book and you can purchase them by contacting 
If you have booked to attend a forthcoming concert, you can reserve books to collect saving you the cost of postage.  We are now operating our events as 'cashless' so we ask you email your order to derravaraghmusicassociation@gmail.com in advance and pay into the DMA account directly and you can collect your books at the concert.      


2024/25 Concert schedule

Saturday 15th February 2025, Fidelio Trio

Saturday 15th March 2025, Yukine Kuroki

Full details of the Autumn 2024 and Spring 2025 concerts can be found here

We no longer send out information about concerts in the post, as all communications are now through email. Please send your email address to derravaraghmusicassociation@gmail.com if you wish to receive updates about our concerts.


Patron: Thomas Pakenham 

Chaired by: Jane Massy

Una Fitzgibbon (Co Secretary), Eliza Chisholm, Muireann Sheahan 
Joan Flood, Dawn Harmon, Hugh Logan, Octavia Tulloch, John Farrell, Charney and Maire Weitzman.

e-mail: derravaraghmusicassociation@gmail.com